Sunday, November 1, 2015

Where are all the ghosts? Here, it seems!

Bet you wonder where I get the inspiration  for all my ghosts. Are there really haunted houses in Edmonton? Looks like there are!  (It appears ghosties  are everywhere!

Here is a list of haunted spots in Edmonton (and elsewhere!)

Ten Spooky Spots in Edmonton (Edmonton Journal article)
La Bohheme Bed and Breakfast (Out of the Dark: The Ghosthunting Chronicles)
The Old Strathcona Tour (

I took the Old Strathcona Tour this summer, and it's a good one! Check it out if you're in Edmonton.

The Paramount Theatre has been turned into a haunted house. Called Deadmonton, it looks delightfully spooky! (Didn't make it this year, but it's on my list...)

And the Arlington Apartments--the building on which the Palais Office building in my first book, Seeing the Light, is based--were there ghosts there, too? Looks like it!

There won't always be real ghosts in the settings for my novels. But there will be enough to make things go bump in the night!

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